
Mirembe Kawomear "Delicious Peace" Thanksgiving Coffee | February 06, 2006

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Mirembe Kawomera (mirŽem bay cow o mareŽa) means "delicious peace" in the Ugandan language Luganda. It is the name of a Ugandan cooperative of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian coffee farmers. The farmers of the Mirembe Kawomera Cooperative are a courageous example of people of faith working together for peace, tolerance, and economic justice.

Mirembe Kawomera Coffee is Fair Trade Certified, guaranteeing the farmers a fair price for their coffee and supporting the 400 family farmers of the Mirembe Kawomera Cooperative.

The Mirembe Kawomera Cooperative was formed in 2004 and is made up of 400 farmers and their families. It is one of six smaller co-ops under the larger Gumutindo Cooperative which brings together over 2,400 Ugandan farmers.

This cooperative of Jews, Muslims, and Christians is a rare partnership. Uganda's history of religious and tribal divides is put in the past by this cooperative's emphasis on respect and diversity. The Mirembe Kawomera Cooperative has a strong leadership, with all three faiths serving on the executive board. The Cooperative is currently able to provide only one container (37,000 lbs.) of coffee per season, due to the fact that there is one hand-cranked depulper for the entire cooperative to use. There is hope that in the near future the cooperative can expand its processing abilities.

Mirembe Kawomera Cooperative was created by JJ Keki, an Abayudaya Jew and the current co-op leader. To create the cooperative, Mr. Keki traveled on foot, knocking on each of his neighbor's doors, asking Jews, Muslims, and Christians to put aside their differences and join him to create an extraordinary partnership. Keki was assisted by Kulanu, a U.S.-based NGO and long-time supporter of the Abayudaya ("Jewish people" in Luganda). Thanksgiving Coffee is proud to have Kulanu as an NGO partner in this project as they continue to work in support of all the Mirembe Kawomera farmers on the ground in Uganda.

Visit Mirembe Kawomera's website.

Posted by admin at February 6, 2006 04:02 PM

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