
Pew poll of Muslims in 47 countries | July 25, 2007

Here is the article reporting on this survey.

This writer has skepticism on a couple of points:
1. Does one really get a good cross-representation of world Muslims with a 95 page survey? I cannot think of too many people involved in violence-based interpretations of Islam who'd be willing to sit down with someone toting around a 95 page survey?
2. What is more astounding than the reported decline in approval for violence against civilians reported in this current survey, is the claim that the numbers in favor of such violence soared as it did in such high percentage points just a little while ago.

Well, these are just my own confusion, but do read the survey if its figures are true, it's hopeful information. -- Frank Kaufmann, New York

Posted by admin at July 25, 2007 08:01 PM

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