The Pursuit of Middle East Peace Through Interfaith Relations

Though awash in news and media full of the Gaza War, there are constant occasions and efforts at harmonious interfaith relations in the region that are less known, but more hopeful. In 2012, a Palestinian-owned tree-processing plant in close proximity … Continue reading

The Israel-Gaza Conflict’s Impact on Inter-Religious Relations

The constancy of war, and the unavoidable fact that religious elements often are present, attest to a need for interfaith knowledge and awareness. An important question to ask in this interfaith context is “How much should interfaith partners keep the focus … Continue reading


Dutch Mosque Groups Stand Up For Interfaith Relations

In response to incidents of anti-Semitism in Europe connected to the Gaza war, The Council of Mosques and the Union of Moroccan Mosques in the Netherlands called upon their congregations to champion respect and tolerance. A spokesperson for these Dutch mosque groups explained that they were not trying to ban or forbid criticism of Israel, but that they simply were insisting that even strong opinions  “should not be a license for anti-Semitic or anti-Muslim statements or actions.” The spokesperson also said, “all mosques in Netherlands are in agreement about that our behavior should encourage relationships of brotherhood between Islam and Judaism.” This is hopeful.

Photograph: Getty Images

It is to be expected that the tragic reality of the Gaza war will give rise to passionate opinions.  We pray desperately for peace and healthy life environments for all in the Holy Land.  In the mean time, we laud affirmations made by the Council of Mosques and the Union of Moroccan Mosques Netherlands. May their call be heeded. As these groups follow the clear Islamic principle to honor Christians and Jews, “people of the book,” tied together “by a common belief in the God of Abraham.” We pray that all world religions find ways to emphasize our common hopes for good and make small the effects of our differences. It is possible to live as champions of this ideal even in common activities of our day to day lives.

Read the entire article here

Interfaith Fast for Middle Eastern Peace

July 15th, the 17th of Tammuz, typically stands as a Jewish fast day and the beginning of a three-week mourning period for the two Jerusalem Temples’ destruction. What makes this year’s observance particularly interesting however, lies in its coinciding with … Continue reading

Interreligious light in times of darkness for Israel and Palestine

Following the kidnap-murder of three Israeli teens and one Palestinian teen, the families of murdered Israeli teen Naftali Fraenkel and Palestinian teen Mohammad Abu Khudeir have drawn comfort from one another. This past week, the Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat brought to … Continue reading

Jihadist destruction in Iraq

The IRFWP reports with great sorrow that jihadists who overran Mosul last month destroyed ancient shrines and mosques in and around this northern Iraq city. Upon occupying the city, four Sunni and/or Sufi shrines and six Shiite mosques have been toppled … Continue reading

Inter-Religious Prayer for Missing Teens

On June 12th, three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped near the south part of Jerusalem. In response to this tragedy, the Tag Meir forum, a grassroots organization that combats Jewish vandalism that targets Palestinians, assembled an interfaith meeting to pray and … Continue reading