Community of Faith: Let’s talk about religion

This brief article provides simple guidelines and ideas, not only that it is good to converse openly about religion, but also, simple ways to do so in healthy and constructive ways

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Christopher Anderson writes the following:

First, I identify and build on common beliefs. Truth is, when we compare our beliefs with those of others, we often find more similarities than we do differences. If we can discover and focus on common belief, our chances of having a successful conversation about religion increase.

Next, I listen to learn. I approach religious conversations with the intent to learn something new. I try hard to set aside preconceived ideas or notions about other faith traditions. Unfortunately, religious beliefs and practices are often misrepresented by the media who often has just part of the story. Thoughtful questions often result in new insights, knowledge and understanding.

Finally, and most importantly, I strive to be respectful. Our beliefs develop over time and are shaped by personal experiences. I appreciate when I can openly share a point of view or belief that others may not agree with. That respect goes both ways. We all come from different backgrounds and have learned truths in different ways.

Read the entire article here

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