Religion and the exploitation of religion in the Ivory Coast

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AP reports the tragic development that the horrific violence gripping Ivory Coast (thanks to the refusal of Laurent Gbagbo to recognize U.N.-certified results of recent national elections showing that he lost), has degenerated to become entangled in the religious identities of Ivorians typically divided North and South. 

There are clear signs sign of a growing campaign of violence against Muslims who widely support Alassane Ouattara, the internationally recognized winner of November's presidential election. Ouattara is Muslim.  Ouattara supporters also have been beaten to death with bricks, even doused with gasoline and burned alive.

Alassane Ouattara

As is often the case, "the political manipulation of ethnicity results in entrenched sectarian violence along religious, ethnic and national lines, though the root of the conflict is competition for political power."  This according to Corinne Dufka, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch.

Anyone with influence, and everyone who prays should seek the rapid dissolution of religious exploitation associated with the gross and illegal lust for power engaged by Laurent Gbagbo.

While religion is being twisted and dragged into false ties with political evil, more genuine religion can be seen in the speech of His Holiness Benedict XVI, who according to Zenit is offering prayers for peace in Ivory Coast and is expressing closeness to the victims of violence in that country.

Today in his general audience, the Pope spoke about the people of Ivory Coast "traumatized by painful internal conflicts and grave social and political tensions."

The Holy Father announced that he is sending Cardinal Peter Kodwo Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, to "that noble country" to "express my solidarity and that of the universal Church with the victims of the conflict, and to encourage reconciliation and peace."


Archbishop Jean-Pierre Kutwa of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, told Fides in response: "We are pleased about the Holy Father's words and we thank him for them. We hope that his voice is heard."

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