The myriad accomplishments of IRFWP under the leadership of its founder, founding director, and close family of devoted world leaders, eventually led to founding Twelve Gates Foundation in 2019.
Twelve Gates Foundation generates resources, provides consultation and support, and strengthens leaders, people, and communities to live harmoniously in an interfaith world. Furthermore, Twelve Gates Foundation holds that enduring peace is possible. Harmony among people and with nature arises from the experience of life as sacred, and manifests in thriving cultures and societies.
To learn more about Twelve Gates Foundation, please visit:
The vast investment and accomplishments of IRFWP have been memorialized in beautiful timelines, which remain under construction, as ever more of this remarkable history is entered and reported on the sites.
IRFWP was founded to bring under a single umbrella interfaith work, investment, networks, organizations, and projects that flourished from 1959 until the founding of IRFWP in 1991. This work became global once headquartered in the West with work beginning in 1977.
Please be sure to visit these timelines to familiarize yourself with IRFWP interfaith that flourishes not in the world of Twelve Gates Foundation